- Alternate Ice and heat for 20 minutes each to reduce inflammation (Note 1: if either ice or heat make your pain worse, only stick to the one that helps. Note 2: You can apply thermal therapy even after the initial injury period if it helps)
- Keep moving your body to avoid further stiffness and promote pain relief. Eg. gentle walks, gentle stretches
- Try lie on your back on a hard floor / firm bed (Mattresses irecommend are from and )
- Sit on a hard chair over a soft one
- Sit on your bum bones at the front of the chair (use a lumbar support/ rolled up towel if needed)
- Alter your car position to mimic your seated desk set up if you drive a lot
- Anti inflammatories if pain is affecting daily activities
- Avoid stretching away from the pain eg. If you have left sided lower back pain – move into the pain on the left rather than away from the pain to the right
- Avoid prolonged sitting positions
- Avoid looking down at a phone or computer
- Avoid slouching / having poor posture
- If pain persists and you don’t have the tools to ease your pain at home, contact an Allied Health Practitioner like a Myotherapist for help