Relaxation Massage
A Relaxation Massage uses long gliding strokes to soothe the nervous system. It works on the superficial muscles, causing no pain, however pressure can be to your liking.
Remedial Massage
A Remedial Massage treatment starts with an assessment of your health to ensure massage is a safe option for your needs. The initial assessment will be thorough including a postural analysis, gait analysis and then followed by some range of motion, palpation and special orthopaedic testing.
Follow up treatments will always include assessment of range of motion and special orthopaedic testing.
These assessments allow us to plan the right treatment type for your needs, whether it be increasing range of motion, increasing joint flexibility and improving the recovery from soft tissue injuries based on a working diagnosis.
The massage can consist of Swedish massage (Long, slow gliding), myofascial release, trigger point release, deeper pressure including, gliding, stripping and cross friction gliding of the muscle, muscle energy techniques (gentle muscle contractions), mobilisations, placing the muscle into a shortened position, active and passive movement, and stretching.
Following the massage, the therapist will reassess the treated area to see if range of motion has increased, and tension and pain has reduced.
The therapist will also give some preventative plan suggestions, which may include when to follow up with another massage treatment, stretches, exercises, referral to another practitioner, self-massage and stress relieving techniques you can do from home.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage is a specific treatment style based on the needs of the mother and baby.
It supports her body through the emotional and physical changes of each trimester.
Pregnancy massage is a gentle yet effective massage treatment, using special techniques to assist common pregnancy aches and pains such as back and pelvic pain while reducing anxiety and swelling.
The therapist carefully considers absolute contraindications and precautionary areas ensuring treatments are safe and effective in each trimester.
We use beautiful massage oils that have been specifically designed to enhance relaxation while addressing specific complaints experienced in each trimester.
You will be required to provide your latest blood pressure reading at each pregnancy massage appointment.
*Pregnancy Massage has specific screening to ensure massage is an appropriate treatment for you. You may need written consent from your Prenatal Health Care Provider prior to being massaged if you present with certain conditions including elevated blood pressure or are considered a high-risk pregnancy. Feel free to call our friendly admin team to discuss prior to making an appointment.
Postnatal Massage
Massage for the postnatal phase is offered up to 10 weeks post birth. It is a specific and gentle treatment style based on meeting the needs of the recovering mother.
It supports her body through the emotional and physical changes to her body post birth.
Postnatal massage is a gentle yet effective massage treatment, using special techniques to assist and ease common aches and pains due to postures whilst feeding and holding the baby, back ache, pelvic, sacral, hip and lumbar spine rebalancing, gentle abdomen connection, oedema and caesarean scar healing.
Postnatal massage assists in the reduction of anxiety and stress by providing a safe and nurturing environment for the mother to completely relax and turn off making way for a sense of restoration and rejuvenation.
The massage therapist will carefully consider contraindicated areas of the body making it a safe treatment whether the mother has had a vaginal birth or caesarean delivery.
Postnatal Massage is encouraged from as early as 24 hours post birth if you have had a natural birth with no interventions. Women who have had a caesarean delivery can safely be treated from 2 weeks, and scar massage can take place with medical clearance once sutures have healed.
Please have your latest blood pressure reading at each appointment.
*Medical clearance may be required from your postnatal health provider prior to massage if you present with certain conditions such as high blood pressure or extended bed rest. Don’t hesitate to contact our friendly admin team if you wish to discuss your concerns prior to making an appointment.